Stone Hollow Farmstead

Love in Bloom Bouquet


Presentation | Our signature burlap-wrapped bouquet, filled with seasonal flowers and presented in our SHF floral gift box. Handwritten note card included. Flowers | 20 stems of heartwarming hues - pinks and reds layered in beautiful foliage, designed, hand-tied, and ready for your favorite vase. Just give them a quick trim and add the included flower food. NOTE: If you are local to Birmingham and would like to pick up your order on February 13th or 14th at our Pepper Place location, please select the date and time below. If you are out of state or would prefer to have your items shipped to you or a gift recipient please select the date and time that you would like the shipment to arrive. We are able to ship Valentine's gifts earlier than the 13th or 14th but will need you to give us details in the comment section at checkout. All bouquets are overnight delivery. Please provide the ship date, recipient's name, who the gift is from, and note at checkout! If you have questions, feel free to give us a call or email us: (205) 777-5558 |