In-Between Days

These are the in-between days.
These are the days where we might be running the A/C at lunchtime but then need to kick the heat on overnight.
We’re slowly shedding the damp cold of early spring but perhaps not ready to embrace the humid heat of summer. But it feels comfortable here, doesn’t it?
Finding ourselves smack dab in the middle of one of the loveliest of seasons, we encounter once-tender shoots that have become a little stronger, a little more sure of themselves. Ask the asparagus, they’ll tell you it is so. Farmer Hab shares more of his crop with us this week. Enjoy them like this or this or this.
Nestled in the middle of spring, colors seem brighter, a tad bolder too. One look at the radishes from Ireland Farms and we’re sure to hear you say, “Mmm hmm. So true…” Make them shine with one of these inspired recipes from Jamie Oliver. Their only match might be the lettuces and greens from our own farm which have exploded in proliferation. You’re going to have beautiful salads for daaaaaays. Our poppyseed dressing will make these come together in a snap.
Speaking of dressing, we share some of our new strawberry balsamic preserves with members this week. These organic fruits from our Harpersville, AL- farm are the sweetest addition atop a fruity salad, goat cheese sandwich, or a warm buttermilk biscuit.
Farmer Hamm sends us some of his red onions. Other favorites this week include oyster mushrooms from Grandview Farms. We love what these friends bring to us and it is such a treat to share these beauties with you. Try sautéing these with some unsalted butter and shallots (or your red onions) tossing in a bit of fresh thyme at the end, and spooning over a straight-from-the-grill rib-eye.
Before you even think about slicing, let the heat from steak inveigle the mushrooms to melt into the meat. Trust us on this one.
Sometimes, the in-between days are the best days. They sure are delicious!

What is in the box?
From Friends
Red Onions | Hamm Farm
Radishes | Ireland Farm
Asparagus | Habersham Farm
Sweet Pea Tendrils | Love Light Farm
Oyster Mushrooms | Grandview Farm
Country Sourdough | Corey Hinkel
From Stone Hollow Farmstead
Green Oak Leaf Lettuce
Red Bibb Lettuce
Mixed Greens
Poppyseed Salad Dressing
Strawberry Balsamic Preserve
Bok Choy
Milk Share
Whole Milk | Stone Hollow Farmstead
Egg Share
Hen Eggs | Stone Hollow Farmstead
Flower Share
Peonies, Jonquils, Daffodils, Dogwood