
It feels like we are HIGH COTTON around here!
Blessed with plentiful rain and much-needed sunshine, our farm (as well as those of our farming friends), has been exploding in production so far this season, and we could not be happier!
Yes, it might feel like we might be eating salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner right now but, as farmers we know these moments are fleeting.The Bibb lettuce that has been filling your boxes will soon give way to other seasonal favorites, before we see the return of other salad greens, like that fun frisée.
Other items to look forward to this week include asparagus from Habersham Farms in Mentone, where the soil just seems sublime. Greenleaf Farm in Cullman sends us some of the season’s first tomatoes, raised hydroponically. Hamm Farm’s onions, Mississippi Delta sweet potatoes, and fresh baked bread from Corey Hinkel round out the basket contents from our friends.
From our own Harpersville, Alabama farm and cannery, we have that lovely Bibb lettuce and more tart strawberries. The Elegance braising-blend greens pair perfectly with our tender Stone Hollow Farmstead green garlic. Sauté a bit of the garlic in a large skillet with your favorite olive oil before adding the greens to wilt down to a lovely savory mess o’greens. Enjoy these at dinner or stir them into a soup or stew to add a little extra umaminess. Our signature queso fresco and marinated tomatoes round out the basket. Our friends at Food52 have this to say on the best ways to use queso fresco, but in short, use it anywhere and everywhere.
Thank you for being a part of this CSA with us. We’ll be the first to tell you that no two seasons are ever alike – that is part of the thrill!

What is in the box?
From Friends
Yellow Onions | Hamm Farm
Asparagus | Habersham Farm
Cocktail Tomatoes | Green Leaf Farm
Bread | Corey Hinkel
Sweet Potatoes | Mississippi Delta
From Stone Hollow Farmstead
Bibb Head Lettuce
Braising Elegance Greens
Marinated Tomatoes
Green Garlic
Queso Fresco Cheese
Milk Share
Whole Milk | Working Cow Dairy
Egg Share
Hen Eggs | Stone Hollow Farmstead
Flower Share
Peonies, Jonquils, Daffodils, Mint, Irises