Welcome to Summer!

Our farm has been prolific! We are especially blessed with so many greens which have myriad benefits – six of which Deborah outlines here:
They are nutrient-dense | Bitter greens are packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. They are also low in sodium and high in fiber. For example, just one serving of kale provides over 100% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin A and more than 40% of the vitamin C (RDI). Vitamin A supports eye, heart, and kidney function among other things.
They are antioxidant-rich | Dark green, leafy vegetables, like kale and spinach, and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cabbage, are powerful sources of antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Antioxidants protect our cells from damage, preventing chronic disease, cognitive decline, and signs of aging, like wrinkles.
They contain cancer-fighting properties | While more research is needed, cruciferous vegetables, including bitter greens, have shown promise in helping prevent certain types of cancers. Dandelion root extract is already used as a "detoxifying agent" for tumors of the lung, breast, and uterus, as well as digestive disorders.
They encourage gut health | Research has shown that eating a plant-based diet provides a diverse range of "good" bacteria. Cruciferous vegetables, including bitter leafy greens, are excellent choices for providing prebiotic material to sustain gut health due to the fact that they provide “food” for the good bacteria in your gut.
They are loaded with fiber | Not only do bitter greens aid in digestion, but they are also high in fiber. Spinach, collard greens, turnips, and mustard greens are all fiber-boosting bitter greens to try.
They possess an abundance of magnesium | Eating just half a cup of boiled spinach provides 20% of your daily value (DV) of magnesium. Did you know magnesium has been linked to a reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms?
In the greens category this week, we have Cegolaine lettuce (akin to Little Gem Bibb lettuce), as well as Benefine Endive (frisée or Trés Fine Maraîchère) which would be delicious in this recipe.
Also from our Harpersville, Alabama farm, we have Preludio fennel and Baby Pink Celery. Pair them both together in this fantastic-in-warm-weather recipe or separately in this recipe or this one. Carrots and strawberries are some easy-to-love staples this week while we’re tickled to see some gorgeous haricots verts — one of Deborah’s favorites of the season.
We’re delighted to have you along for this summer season!

What is in the box?
From Friends
French Batard | Corey Hinkel
Red Potatoes | Florida
Yellow Squash | South Alabama — Yellow crookneck with vibrant color, gourmet flavor, distinctive ridges, and subtle striping. Tempest's 4-7” fruits have a rich, nutty flavor and pleasantly firm texture. They are versatile in the kitchen, and retain their shape, texture, and color through a multitude of cooking methods, from grilling and roasting to pickling and braising.
From Stone Hollow Farmstead
Preludio Fennel (Big rounded bulbs from organic seeds. Heavy bulbs, traditional anise flavor. Suitable for late summer and early fall harvest) (meaning it won’t bolt and go to seed in our heat as quickly as some). Try this recipe!
Baby Pink Celery (cutting celery. slender stalks are rich in flavor, lend depth to bases, stocks, and soups, or are wonderful as a raw snack.)
Pink celery is highly aromatic, more pungent in taste, and smaller in size than European celery. When raw, pink celery is crunchy with a robust herbal flavor, and when cooked, the stalks soften and become sweet, tender, and crisp — would be super pretty in a stir fry.
Swiss Chard
Benefine Endive (frisée or Trés Fine Maraîchère) — beautiful, ruffled head of light green leaves that are deeply cut and toothed.
Haricot Verts (French Green Beans)
Cegolaine Lettuce — semi-savoy leaf, very uniform, dense heads
Milk Share
Whole Milk | Working Cow Dairy
Egg Share
Hen Eggs | Stone Hollow Farmstead
Flower Share
Sunflowers, Speedwell, Baptista, Thistle, Iris, Calla lilies, Orange lilies, Tobacco, Feverfew, Bees friend, Columbine, Gerber daisies, Pineapple sage, Pink flower, Queen Anne’s lace, Soapwort (Saponaria), Jewels of Opar

Recipes From Friends
Bon Appetit — Spicy Chicken Stir-Fry with Celery and Peanuts
New York Times — Beet and Endive Salad
Williams Sonoma — Roasted Fennel with Parmesan

and… presenting our newest SHF team member, Monroe Flowers!